


This one gallon wheel thrown ceramic carboy is perfect for your brewing needs. Whether it is a small batch of hard cider, wine, mead, or beer this vessel serves at both art and function. It will add some color and style any where you put t!

I made this carboy on my potters wheel. After the first firing, I hand painted the jug with a golden brown glaze and a glaze called rain forest green. I used the a clear gloss glaze on the inside. All materials used to make this are lead free and food safe.

It is actually bigger than 1 gallon as it is less than 1 cup from being 5 quarts. It measure 11 inches tall and 7 inches wide without the airlock on it.

Please note that the rubber stopper fits really well, but the inside neck of the carboy and the stopper must be dry of water or the stopper will want to pop out. Just make sure it is dry and push and turn the stopper to get it in the jug and you are good!

Click on this picture and it will take you directly to this item in my online shop to view other pictures of it.

Fermenting crocks


Fermenting crocks

I have been making fermenting crocks for the last 6 months. It started out as a favor for a friend to make one but now it has become a passion of mine. I am now fermenting all kinds of things in these crocks. I am always making pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, and hot sauce to name a few. To see these fermenting crocks as well as kombucha and vinegar crocks that I have available can be seen by simply clicking on the picture. You will be sent to the crock section of my online shop.

I have sent these crocks all over the world now. Some very well known fermanters have been giving me some great reviews too! Sandot Katz, author of Wild Fermentation and the Art of Fermentation had this to say:
oh my god! it’s gorgeous. the most unique crock in my collection. thank you. i will certainly enjoy it.

Jennifer Mcgruther, author of the Nourished kitchen had this to say:

A Hand-Made Fermentation Crock

Okay, okay, so this isn’t technically a last-minute gift, but it’s one you’ll absolutely love. I adore fermentation, wrote a whole video class on fermentation, and featured a chapter on fermentation in my cookbook. While mason jars and the like are perfect for newcomers to fermentation, having the right equipment can make a huge difference in the quality of fermented foods you produce – reducing the likelihood of cross-contamination by stray microbes and molds. For this reason, I cherish my crocks which are specifically designed for fermentation.

My favorite among my three crocks is a handmade fermentation crock produced by a potter out of California who sells his wares on Etsy. His fermentation crocks are made-to-order, come with weights, and the small ones hold 2 quarts and are priced at about $65. I LOVE mine.

Kombucha crocks


Kombucha crocks

I have recently been making kombucha crocks. Kombucha is a fermented tea that has many fantastic health benefits. Being a great source of probiotics is one of them. To see some of my continuous brew crocks as well as some fermenting crocks, To see some of the styles I have available, they can be seen by simply clicking on this picture.

How to texture the inside of a bowl while it is still wet. Chattering is the technique.


I am demonstrating how to texture the inside of a bowl while opening it up. The technique is called chattering. It takes some practice, but give it a try.

This is a link to a picture of the bowl:

To see some of my chattered bowls, check out my online shop.